Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Getting the Most for your Online Buck

Online Shopping addicts listen up! We all know there are a multitude of deals to be found online. From Ebay to designer wholesalers, it's hard to pinpoint exactly where the best deals can be found. For label whores like me, online shopping can be a nightmare. Constantly analyzing photos and comparing websites to avoid the horror of waiting three weeks only to receive a cheap knockoff. There is no possible way to tell if what you are buying is the real thing or just a fake with a good photo.

But then God sent us Private Sales (insert angelic harmonies). Companies like, and are clearly a gift from above. Not only are you guaranteed that your items are authentic, but these sites offer private access to high end designer brands at an extreme discount. You can get anywhere from 15-75% off on labels normally carried only at high end retailers or department stores. Membership is free of charge and with your membership you receive an email each day with details of which designers will be on sale that day and on the sales coming up in the next few days.

You may be wondering, "So how do these sites make any money?" It's simple really. These retailers collect your online cash payments long before they are required to pay back the vendor where they purchased the items. The private sellers have already made their profit in advance thanks to the convenience of online money transfer. Private Sales companies also only receive certain types of items from designers. Many times the batches that private sales receive are irregular items. Ok, ok, you heard irregular items. I can see you shaking your heads. Recessionistas get your noses out of the air! Ask me if I care that my label is on the right instead of the left for 50% off! Irregular does not necessarily mean dysfunctional, torn, stained etc. It often means an extra stitch, different thread color or any other number of completely unnoticeable irregularities.

So what's the catch? There isn't one. If you don't mind daily emails, you will have access to fantastic brands at fabulous discounts! But get online early, items sell out FAST!!! So start your morning out with a Starbucks Skinny Vanilla Latte, a half price cashmere sweater, and a smile.

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